Wednesday 4 November 2015


The day I've been waiting for for a very long 7 months finally arrived yesterday, as my consultant confirmed that I am in remission. Tomorrow I am having my port-a-cath removed (at 7.30am!!) and I will be changed to 3 monthly appointments with my consultant at QMC. At some point after I turn 18 I will be transferred to the adult services at City Hospital.
What I didn't know beforehand was the difference between remission and cure. Remission, which is sometimes known as NEC, means there is no evidence of the disease that is detectable using PET scans, X-rays, blood tests etc. You are not classed as cured until after 5 years, as this is the time you are statistically most likely to relapse, although my consultant said some people affected by Hodgkin Lymphoma especially relapse outside of this period, so it's about being aware without becoming a hypochondriac.
I am just so relieved, and very very happy. Thank you all for all your kind words and support, it really means a lot, and thank you for reading my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Natasha for sharing your journey with us all. You have educated and inspired a great many people. Everyone will be wishing you well, and sharing your joy. Very very few people are not touched by cancer in one way or another, and what we can all do is realise that the success of teams in hospitals everywhere depends on research to advance the treatment. That is something most of us can contribute to, because each little step is so very important. Just one of the lessons from your inspirational blog. Thank You.
